The Manifest
"The Deformation"
„Deformation“ belongs to the most recent scientific and intellectual period of contemporary art and its studies of dimensions with astronomical and mathematical perspectives and with psycho-physical elements.
The „Deformation“ is based on general studies of the theories of the universe, the microcosmos, matter and antimatter. Its themes are of historical, psychological and sociological kind (communication and expectation), but it also contains elements of the astronomical sciences and of solipscism.
The historic development of painting presents the foloowing pciture: A two-dimensional perspective (the art in old Egypt) is followed by a three-dimensional one (Renaissance), and this by a likewise three-dimensional scientific-technical perspectiv which has been inspired by the theories of the fourth dimension (Futurism and Cubism).
„Deformation“ is related to certain scientific theories as „Big Bang“ anf the expansion of the universe. The „Deformation“ is supposed to cover that part of the multidimensional space, which is outside of our simple three-dimensional view, by applying spiral curves which expand around one or more points and are used as deformation parameters. (World model: Einstein’s theories. Everything is geometry, topology and structed space. The physical space is non-euklidian, but multi-dimensional). In this case you can add a fourth dimension, a fifth and so forth an x-dimension. „Deformation“ is a new way to view the reality, open for future social perspectives. It shows the decay of spiritual and theological facades of faith. „Deformation“ is based on the strong belief in individualism inside social communication.
The Manifest (2nd part)
Up to now I have restricted myself to map the multidimensional space by deformation using spiral curves: I have applied in my paintings different visual perspectives (method A, B and C).
In these experiments I have now included the canvas as a technical form and achieved a felicitous form-style combination. With this I managed, for the first time, to give the canvas a new dimension, the deformed one.
The old bidimensional form has been replaced by a new 2 ½ dimensional form, achieving volume and visual effects and generating a balance between form and style.
The canvas is not only exhibited as a picture in the traditional sense but also as an object or flowing form.
Rocco Barone – Kriftel, 04.11.1980